Regaining Paradise

Regaining Paradise by Paul Corson

Book Reviewed by Timea Barabas

Do you feel a sense of incompleteness? A longing to return to a place you have never been to? Regaining Paradise: Forming a New Worldview, Knowing God, and Journeying into Eternity might not have the answers to all of your questions, but it will help you find the answers you are searching for. Prepare yourself to be taken on a “hero’s journey” by Paul Corson on the vehicle of imagination. Purchase Here.

Regaining Paradise is about regaining what we once all had, but then slowly grew out of, the light of Paradise. A light that many of us have turned a blind eye to. In a world in which materialism gains ever more ground, it is a challenge to see beyond the mirage of the tangible. But, as Paul Corson notes, the solid is mostly intangible energy. The author has peeked behind the veil of our reality and not just seen but experienced what lies beyond. If you accept his invitation to journey together, so will you.

Although Regaining Paradise heavily draws on the author’s personal transcendent experience, that is not the only source of inspiration. The curious nature of the author comes across in the rich references that embellish the book, from a great variety of fields: literature, mythology, philosophy, psychology… the list goes on.

What is more, an argumentative narrative flows throughout the pages of the book. Paul Corson takes a critical approach, analyzing the scientific view of many of the fundamental issues of life and the universe, like consciousness, time, and the nature of energy. A view that he disseminates and confronts with his own perspective. The curiosity of the author and his thirst for knowledge seeps off the pages of the book and is quite contagious. I believe that this is one of the greatest gifts a read can offer, to elicit curiosity.

The journey is comprised of a total of forty chapters which in the end unify in a holistic view. It all begins with the author’s personal transcendent experiences and the stream of insight that arose from such occasions. But more accounts will appear throughout the book. Then, we are lead through a section dense with information that takes on topics from the fields of psychology, physics, neurology, biology, and quantum physics to address issues from the singularity of the individual to the clockwork of the universe. While towards the end, we dwell in Heaven for a couple of chapters.

Regardless of your stance on issues of transcendence, you will find some captivating elements in Regaining Paradise: Forming a New Worldview, Knowing God, and Journeying into Eternity. And although not all of your questions might be answered by the end of your journey, it will certainly be an eventful venture through a multitude of topics, guided by Paul Corson. And maybe, hopefully, you will have sailed to a new port of your life.

Talex from the Other Side

Tales from the Other Side by Paul Corson

Book Reviewed by Timea Barabas

Tales from the Other Side” by Paul Corson was designed as a companion piece to his “Regaining Paradise: Forming a New Worldview, Knowing God, and Journeying into Eternity”. While, the books are strong enough to stand as independent reads, when taken together, their message is elevated to the next level. Purchase Here.

But first off, a few words about “Regaining Paradise”. This daring book goes beyond the curtain of materiality to tackle some of the biggest existential questions relying on personal experience, science, and rationality/logic, sprinkled with a little bit of imagination. Although the spark for this intellectual and spiritual quest lies in the three lived transcendental experiences of the author, he heavily relies on science to argue his perspective.

In “Tales from the Other Side”, Paul Corson delves deeper into his personal life, revealing instances of when the “Other Side” seeped into this side. These confessions and stories will enable the reader to have a more holistic view of the thought-process of his spiritual journey. The book is segmented into seven magical parts, of which five are autobiographical, the next part is a rather out of the ordinary conversation (between space travelers and stargazers) and the last part consists of fiction stories that form allegories.

The autobiographical parts present an apparently disjointed series of events subtracted from different periods of Paul Corson’s life. But these puzzle pieces fit the general pattern of a greater plan. These simple, every-day stories, with all too familiar “characters”, often defy expectations and explanations. Some events will give you the shivers, others might be amusing… but taken as a whole, they achieve two essential things: 1) elicit questions and curiosity and 2) draw attention to small good deeds. In my view, this is the greatest accomplishment of the book, to make the reader reflect on spiritual matters, but also encourage by example to do any and all good deeds, no matter how trivial they might seem.

The seventh part is also of particular interest, as the two mystical allegories are strikingly different from the previous parts of the book. The first story follows the re-start of civilization and its potential downfall. It is a telling narrative about human nature and its dual potential for good and evil. The second story is a science fiction tale, which revolves around a sentient planet, space travel, and telepathic communication. Paul Corson presents to us probably the two most important events in this lonely planet’s life, a first visit by space travelers, which opens up a new bright chapter for her; and a second visit from a more familiar planet, which might threaten to close that chapter.

All in all, “Tales from the Other Side” is a quick and easy read that (hopefully) leaves a lasting mark. The author does not attempt to mesmerize the reader with fancy linguistic or aesthetical feats, but rather he addresses the message in a direct and frank manner. Perhaps that is why it hits harder.